Who We Are

The Law Office of James Tobia is dedicated to providing efficient, cost-effective representation of businesses and individuals in all facets of civil legal representation in Delaware. We are really something of a boutique firm specializing in a few areas of practice, which essentially makes the firm nearly a full service firm when put together:

We strive to represent our business clients at every stage of commercial existence: Advising you how best to structure your business, assisting you in forming your business, providing general counsel services, protecting your personal assets from liability related to the conduct of your business and limiting the business’s potential liability. If something goes wrong and litigation is unavoidable, we will represent your interests fully in litigation through the courts or through alternative dispute resolution.

We want to be there for you in your personal life as well. If you have a dispute with your neighbor or your business partners, or if you need advice and assistance with your estate planning we can help. Unfortunately, many marriages have tough moments. If that occurs and you need advice and assistance with domestic or family legal matters, we will represent you in a responsible way to protect your financial and parental rights while minimizing the understandable pain and difficulty such situations create.

Mr. Tobia has seen the effects of litigation enough to want our clients to avoid litigation when they can. Mr. Tobia is trained and certified by both the Superior Court and Family Court to mediate disputes.

Contact Us

Call Us (302) 655-5303